Metasploit and Rapid7 websites Hacked by KDMS Team via Faxed spoof DNS Change Request hacked by kdms team The official website of and its parent company has been hijacked and defaced today by Pro-Palestine Hackers with the handle ‘Kdms Team“. Pro-Palestinian Hackers managed to trick, who manage the DNS records for, into believing that they were authorised to change them – redirecting anyone attempting to visit the Metasploit site […] Continue reading →

Paunch, The BlackHole Exploit Kit Author Arrested in Russia

Russian-Hackers Paunch, the notorious Russian hacker and malware developer, the author of the notorious BlackHole exploit kit, and his partners have been arrested in Russia, According to Softpedia. Maarten Boone, security analyst at Dutch IT security company Fox-IT, was the first to break the news on Twitter. So far, there aren’t any additional details. “Paunch the nickname of a Russian […] Continue reading →

How to Secure Your Wi-Fi Network

secure wifi More than a quarter of Internet users worldwide use WiFi at home to connect to the web, but many aren’t sure how to protect their home network, or why it is important to do so. The reason of not protecting wireless is that some don’t know about it, others just ignore it. There are some security tips […] Continue reading →