The ultimate database of exploits and vulnerabilities 1337day also known as Inj3ct0r Exploit Database has been hacked today by SQL_Master and Z0mbi3_Ma.Its not the first time 1337day hacked, Before 1337day other domains was hacked by Injector & Sec4ever with DNS Attack.
The original website ( is not hacked but Subdomain was defaced by the hackers.
Hacked Site:
Anatomy of attack is not known, but it seems that it was a DNS attack by the hackers. DNS attack has become major issue these days. Hackers attack on Domain Name Servers, when they are not able to get into the targeted Server.
The reason of hacking was to show 1337day team that they are not the best hackers. Complete deface message left by the hackers on the deface page can be found below.
Deface Message:
Inj3ct0rs Fuck3d ! Hello all ! Today 1337day hacked ! not just for fun or laughing , but sombody from ur team thinks he’s the best hacker in the world . u are sure of ur security ?? and u believes no one can hack ur primary domain ( ) and somebody thinks u are the heros
now u are been fucked by us , so don’t say bullshits again please 😉 . Ass thinks he’s a horse 😀 We are : SQL_Master and Z0mbi3_Ma.