Brazilian Federal Police Organization Website Hacked by Brazil HackTeam

hacked by Brazil Hack Team


The official website of FENADEPOL (, Brazil’s National Federation of Federal Chief Police Officers has been hacked and defaced by Morpheus, a member of Brazil HackTeam.

This is not the first time that this website is hacked, before it was hacked by Musafir on 16 of January.

According to Softpedia News, the hacker wrote in Portuguese on the defaced website with caricature of Brazilian President Dilma Vana Rousseff

“When the savages of Louisiana want to reap a fruit, they cut the tree down and catch it. Behold the despotic government.”

The hackers defaced all the site’s pages. It’s also worth noting that the website has a login section, which might mean the attackers have gained access to usernames and passwords.

At the time of reporting, the website is still defaced and showing the message left by the hackers.
