PC World Philippines website hacked by 4ntipatika

PC World Philippines Website hacked and defaced by 4ntipatika from Pinoy Vendetta. The website (www.pcworld.com.ph) is still defaced, at the time of writing.

PC World - a technology website for the Philippines that offer technology news, reviews has been hacked and defaced by 4ntipatika - the founder of Pinoy Vendetta, according to PinoyHackNews.

Upon visiting the website (www.pcworld.com.ph), a message will show up,

“Security breach”,
“Hello admin, Please fix your system.”

After all the messages that popped up, it will automatically redirect you to a page “4nti.php“. Another set of messages will display:

Pinoy Vendetta
Into your system
testing the security
Sorrryyou’ve been hacked by
